Darrell Harris Was a son, a brother and Friends and is survived by his mother two brothers Carl and Rasaahn and his sister Ashley. Darrell was a light in every room he ever stepped in he was born to entertain. As a child Darrell would dance and loved everything about music. as he got older he danced less and rapped more anyone who knows Darrell has seen him with his notebooks and heard his song and if you knew him well enough he might' e shouted you out in a song. He was a loving person and protective of all those he loved. He will be sorely miss and forever Celebrated We love you Looch
You can to the family or in memory of Darrell Harris.
Memorial Details:
November 29, 2022
Gatlings Funeral Home , 101st Halsted Ave, Chicago,IL
Details: Wake will be Monday November 28 From 3 to 8pm