SCHNEIDERLois Rae (Tieman) Schneider, 89 years old, passed away on Sunday, September 10, 2017 at Rosedale Green in the arms of her son, Mark. Lois fought bladder cancer much of the year. She was born on July 23, 1928 to the late Bower and Dorothy (Parrott) Tieman. She met her late husband Philip and married in 1946 after Phil returned from serving in the Army-Air Corps. Together they raised seven children: Philip (Bonnie) of Longboat Key, FL, Thomas (Diana) of Annapolis, MD, Jimmy of Independence, Steven (late Monica) of Grant County, Lois (Steve) Klaine of Covington, Mark (Lisa) of Park Hills and Gretchen Schneider of Elsmere; brothers, Bob (Beverly), Roger (Janice) Tieman and the late Bill Tieman.; 16 grandchildren: Jamie, Christopher, Abby, Adam, Eliza, Annie, Doug, Monte, Dale, Emma, Savanah, Joseph, Charley, Erin, Matthew and Dillon; and 12 great-grandchildren: Claire, Caroline, Katherine, Owen, David, Shawn, Chase, Colin, Cameron, Rickie, Kirsten and Shawn. Son Tom, said her children agreed that Mom never stopped being our mother with her love, guidance, support and personal sacrifices. She loved children, loved to laugh, had stories that went back to her own childhood, but she also had her serious moments and strong Christian values. Jimmy was a special child; mom and dad worked together with other families of Northern Kentucky during the 1950's in the founding of the Redwood School in Fort Mitchell where Jimmy still spends many of his days. She was the matriarch extraordinaire caring for and raising the family while working jobs in department stores and waitressing at local dinner restaurants. Her final act of charity came after death, as she arranged to have her remains donated to the University Of Cincinnati College Of Medicine. A Memorial Mass in her honor will be held on Saturday, September 30 at 10:00 am at St. Agnes Church, Ft. Wright. A reception will follow after mass. Memorials are suggested to Redwood School, 71 Orphanage Rd., Ft. Mitchell, KY 41017. Online condolences to Dobbling, Muehlenkamp-Erschell Funeral Homes are in charge of arrangements.