Alice  Loeffler obituary

Alice Loeffler Obituary

Port Orchard, Washington, United States

September 07, 1951 - June 03, 2023

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Alice  Loeffler obituary

Alice Loeffler Obituary

Sep 07, 1951 - Jun 03, 2023

This obituary is administered by:

A Life of Love

Alice Loeffler, 71, of Port Orchard, Washington, passed on June 03, 2023. Alice was born on September 07, 1951. She was proceeded in death by parents Jesse Ballew and Pearl Ballew. She leaves behind a loving husband, Mike Loeffler, 4 children, David, Danny, Bobby and Anthony and 12 grandchildren.

Alice Loeffler, beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, passed on June 3, 2023, at the age of 71 near her Port Orchard, Washington home. Born on September 7, 1951, to the proud parents Jesse and Pearl Ballew, Alice brought love to everyone she encountered.

She spent the best years of her life hand in hand with her loving partner, Michael Loeffler, who shared in her adventures and brightened her days. Together, they built a beautiful blended family with their four sons: David, Bobby, Danny, and Anthony.

As a grandmother, Alice cherished her role to her twelve grandchildren. Her love for them was evident in every warm hug and conversation she had with them. Alice truly had a heart that overflowed with affection for her precious grandchildren.

In between her family commitments, Alice pursued various hobbies and passions. She loved going to the races and camping with her family. When she wasn't camping, Alice could be found tending to her various pets throughout the years that she loved so much.

Alice touched the lives of countless individuals, leaving an indelible mark on each heart she encountered. Her spirit lives on through her family, who will forever cherish the love and laughter she brought into their lives.

As we bid our reluctant goodbyes to our dear Alice, let us remember her as the woman who gave all the love in her heart to those dear and never held back.

You can to the family or in memory of Alice Loeffler.


Memorial Details:
July 09, 2023
Chris Bradley's House, 15484 W. 139th St., Olathe, Kansas
Details: Additional Services will be held after in Port Orchard, Washington.
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