Annette Smith, beloved mother, grandmother, sister and friend, passed away on December 29, 2024. Born on November 27, 1935 to Leon and Betty Barvais, she grew up in a family where she learned the values of kindness, compassion, and hard work.
She loved gardening, knitting and crocheting, dancing around and being silly, reading a great love story and baking. Her unwavering faith and dedication were an inspiration to everyone who knew her. She lived a life that was not without sorrow but remained full of love and joy.
Annette is survived by her daughter Mary Taylor (Stan) Vincennes, Indiana; three grandchildren, James Alvis (Patricia) Raeford, NC, Cory Alvis (Heather) Evans, Georgia and Chrissy Taylor Vincennes, Indiana; 12 great grandchildren and 6 great great grandchildren; Nephew Brian Shots Vincennes, Indiana. She was preceded in death by her parents Leon and Betty, her brother Buck, sister Vicki, daughter Teddie, son Robert and grandson Stan.
Annette touched the lives of all who knew her with her warm smile and compassionate heart. She will be dearly missed by all who had the pleasure of knowing her. Annette’s legacy of love will forever be cherished and remembered.
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