Annie Lewis, a beloved resident of Bessemer, Alabama, passed away peacefully, in her home, on January 9, 2025, at the age of 88. Born on December 12, 1936, to Hillary and Evie Grace, Annie was known for her infectious smile, kind heart, nonjudgmental spirit and unwavering faith. She dedicated her life to serving others and was a pillar of strength in her community. Annie will be remembered for her wisdom, grace, and the love she shared with everyone she encountered. Her absence will be deeply felt by all who had the privilege of knowing her. May she rest in peace knowing she made a lasting impact on the hearts of many.
Annie confessed Christ at an early age and was baptized at Antioch Baptist Church. She later united with Spring Chapel Baptist Church, Bessemer, AL, where she served loyally in many capacities: Choir Member, Kitchen Committee Member, Usher Board Member. She also volunteered at Red Mtn Heights Community Center.
Annie was united in marriage to John E Lewis on February 23, 1963. They were married a wonderful 43 years before God called her loving husband home.
Annie was preceded in death by her parents, her loving husband, her brother: Hillary, Jr; her sisters: Doris, Pauline, Evie, Bonnie and Francis; her children: John Lewis, Betty Davis, Penny Johnson, and Alice Lewis; her grandchildren: Dwana Lewis, Michael Grace, Jeremy Davis, Victorian Grace, Paula Lewis, Rah-feal Lewis, and Selena Dysart.
Annie is survived by her sons: Jimmie (Tinisha) Grace, and Joe (Diane) Grace; her brothers: Wiley Grace and Frank Grace; her sisters: Helen Greaves, Hazel Carter, and Ernestine Grace; 21 Grandchildren; 42 Great-Grandchildren; and 29 Great-Great Grandchildren; Special Friends: Mary Holland, Andre Holland, and Jerry Witherspoon; God-Children: Vicki Riles and Yvonne Hampton; A Host of Nieces, Nephews, Family and Friends.