Antonio  Bradshaw obituary

Antonio Bradshaw Obituary

Tampa, Florida, United States

September 13, 1981 - August 22, 2023

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Antonio  Bradshaw obituary

Antonio Bradshaw Obituary

Sep 13, 1981 - Aug 22, 2023

This obituary is administered by:

Antonio Bradshaw

Born: 09/13/1981

Died: 08/22/2023

Lived in Tampa, Florida, United States

In loving memory of our dear friend, Antonio Bradshaw. Although he has left us too soon, we choose to celebrate his life with a lighthearted obituary that reflects the joy and laughter he brought to all those around him.

Antonio was known for his infectious laughter and his ability to lighten any room with his presence. He had an uncanny talent for finding humor in the most mundane situations and could always be relied upon to leave his friends and family in stitches.

One of Antonio's greatest passions was his love for barbecuing. No summer was complete without an invitation to his backyard cookouts, where he would proudly grill up a storm, ensuring that everyone had a full plate and a smile on their face. His secret barbecue sauce recipe will forever remain a mystery, but we will always cherish the lip-smacking memories it created.

Antonio was also an avid fan of sports, especially his beloved Tampa Bay Buccaneers. His enthusiasm for the team was infectious, and he could always be found cheering them on, whether it was at the stadium or from the comfort of his own living room, surrounded by friends and nachos.

He had an uncanny talent for dancing awkwardly, a skill that he proudly showcased at every party he attended. Antonio's signature move, "The Flailing Flamenco," never failed to bring joy and laughter to all. His dance moves were as unique as he was, and they will forever be imprinted in our memories.

Antonio had a kind heart and a knack for making others feel special. He was the first to lend a helping hand or crack a joke to ease tension. His humor was a gift he shared freely, bringing comfort and laughter during difficult times.

Antonio will be greatly missed by all who knew him. His only Dear Daughter, Racquel Yarde (20) His infectious laughter, quirky dance moves, and genuine kindness brought light to our lives. We can only hope that he finds eternal joy in a realm where his laughter will echo for eternity, bringing smiles to the faces of all who meet him there.

Rest in peace, dear friend. You will forever hold a special place in our hearts.

You can to the family or in memory of Antonio Bradshaw.


Funeral Details:
September 02, 2023
Brown’s Memorial , 2313 E 27th Ave, Tampa, Fl



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