Even as a young lady Betty always made sure everyone kept a smile. You couldn’t speak to her without having the urge To smile.
Dont think of me as gone away , my journeys just begun. Life holds so many facets,This earth is but one.....
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Jim m
Sep 22, 2020
Betty does have a future of life guaranteed with us. The authority on life and death has recorded in his word this: all those in memorial tombs and graves will come out to life again, John 5:28&29;. An example is preserved for us at John 11, Lazarus was dead and Jesus brought him back to life with his loved ones. For Betty it will be better because when she wakes up it will be under kingdom rule. She will never die again, nor grow old, nor be sick, those will be former things that passed away. Revelation 21:3&4. We can look forward to seeing Betty again, enjoying her as never before, and she will enjoy life again as never before. It will be a good day to look forward to.
Betty does have a future of life guaranteed with us. The authority on life and death has recorded in his word this: all those in memorial tombs and graves will come out to life again, John 5:28&29;. An example is preserved for us at John 11, Lazarus was dead and Jesus brought him back to life with his loved ones. For Betty it will be better because when she wakes up it will be under kingdom rule. She will never die again, nor grow old, nor be sick, those will be former things that passed away. Revelation 21:3&4. We can look forward to seeing Betty again, enjoying her as never before, and she will enjoy life again as never before. It will be a good day to look forward to.