Bishop Willie Williams was born on May 15th 1944 Bishop passed on October 4th 2020. He was born to Willie Senior and Francis Howard in Newark, New Jersey. He married Mary Williams and they lived together in Pensacola, Florida. Together they raised 4 children Rayvon Pace (Donald E Williams ), Nicole zokhidov (Sierra Mobley ) Otis wilson. Bishops name will also be kept alive by his by 8 grandchildren. Willie Williams was a faithful servant of the lord, who touched many hearts with his own! He lived and died in his own community where he raised up many generations! In 1994 he began his journey to clean up the streets of his community! Bishop and Mary Williams along with many Influential helpers began Top of the bottom ministries which became a safe zone for many children in the community! Bishop believed that the church was founded on holy ground, and foreseen a chance to turn the community around! The church was not only place to find the lord but a place to find a friend, a place to learn, a place to express yourself and at times a place to have fun! He believed in the scripture “Raise up a child the way they should go and they will never steer from it”! He fought for children in his community to have equal oppurtunities to education! In 2010 Bishop and the children from his outreach organization played an imperative part in the removal of the barbwire fence in Truman arms! Bishop Was a devoted Pastor/Youth Advocate and was passionate about affecting the lives of the children because they are the future generation! Bishop will be forever in our hearts and Top of the Bottom ministries along with his Family will carry on his leagacy!
You can to the family or in memory of Bishop Williams.