Chanthou, a father and friend to many, will be dearly missed. Chanthou, also known as "Chan-Chan," was a young-spirited, ambitious man. We are here to honor our late, but great Chan. He will be leaving behind a son, Thuong, and loving wife, Sia. We promise to keep both in blessed arms as you watch down on us. Your'e and always will be our soldier. We love you so much.
Born in Phnom Penh, Cambodia along with 3 siblings. (Pisey, Ly, and Choi) He and his family made life in the US, in his early teens. Chan was loved anywhere he went. He was instantly accepted within the American community with open arms. He has recieved numerous amounts of awards throughout school-life.
Chan was a traveler. His goal was to make sure his passport was full of stamps. His goal was to take his family all around the world. Although he did not complete his mission, he's made great effort. His family plans on to carry on the tradition.
You can to the family or in memory of Chanthou Suos.