Daizha  Monique Smith obituary

Daizha Monique Smith Obituary

Orlando, Florida, United States

January 01, 1950 - September 10, 2023

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Daizha  Monique Smith obituary

Daizha Monique Smith Obituary

Jan 01, 1950 - Sep 10, 2023

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In Celebration of a Life Well-Lived

Daizha Sterling, born on May 18, 1996, left us on her 75th birthday, still celebrating life with her unique sense of humor. Daizha was a ray of sunshine, spreading laughter wherever she went.

She pursued a fulfilling career as a registered nurse, providing care and compassion to countless patients throughout her life. After many years of dedication, she eventually retired, leaving behind a legacy of healing and kindness.

Daizha was joined in matrimony with her beloved husband, Samuel Sterling, who stood by her side through all of life's adventures. Their love was a shining example to their three children, Reagan Patterson, Andrae Williams, and their creatively named third child, Seraphina Storm.

Daizha was a proud resident of Florida, where she enjoyed the warmth of the sun and the beauty of the beaches. Family was at the center of her world, and she cherished her role as a mother and grandmother. Her great-grandchildren fondly remember her as the source of endless stories, jokes, and sweet treats.

Daizha's sense of humor was truly one of a kind. Her ability to find laughter in the everyday moments brought joy to everyone she encountered. Even in her final moments, she had a twinkle in her eye and a joke on her lips.

While we mourn the loss of Daizha Sterling, let us also celebrate the beautiful life she lived and the laughter she shared with us all. May her memory bring smiles to our faces, just as she did throughout her 75 wonderful years.

Rest in peace, Daizha. Your laughter will forever echo in our hearts.

You can to the family or in memory of Daizha Smith.



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