Darlene Cobbs, 59, of Belleville, Illinois passed on June 19, 2023, after a long battle of life stressors. Darlene was born on March 19,1964, to the parents of Carlos G. Bryson Sr. and Claudia Mae Cobbs-Littlejohn. As a child Darlene grew up in the Centreville, Alorton, and Fireworks station area, where she attended the first years of her education, and went on to graduate from the East St. Louis senior high school in East St. Louis Illinois, in 1983. At an early age, Darlene confessed a hope in Christ Jesus, and followed in his footsteps entering into the watery grave accepting her role as a follower of Christ under the Parish of Parks Chapel A.M.E. Church. However, several years later, Darlene fell in love with the music and ministry at Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church, where two of her elder siblings attended, and without hesitation. She was baptized into their fellowship and remained an active member until her untimely death.
Darlene was the mother of two sons, Kian Decarlos Cobbs, which preceded her in death, and Demarken Cobbs. Also, her parents, grandparents, two brothers: Arnold Renard Cobbs, and Carl L. Jones Sr. three sisters: Yvette Pickett, Lynn Williams, Devon Peir Littlejohn also, preceded her in death.
Darlene was quiet and introspective, but if you made her angry. She would snap on you in a New York minute and serve you back with the dose of medicine you had distributed to her. Darlene loved music and two of her favorites' songs were "I'm still here", and "God kept me here". Likewise, she loved old movies such as: "Crooklyn" and enjoyed sharing this past time with her family. Without a doubt, Darlene had a special passion for her family as well as her friends. In fact, Darlene expressed this passion with others that she encountered throughout her life's journey, because Darlene never met a stranger. Moreover, she was the good chuckie, "A True Friend to the End".
Darlene leaves to cherish her precious memories: her son, Demarken Cobbs. Sisters: Phyllis Ann Cobbs and Patrice Monique Littlejohn, Sister-law: Linda Jones, Sister/cousin Ann (James) Hendricks, and Toni Leach. Honorary Sisters: Maggie Brown-Rogers, Mayetta Johnson, Cozetta Grover, and Sharon Issac. Brothers: Corey Dabney, Mark Nunn, Carlos Bryson Jr., and Garnell Generally, and host of nieces, nephews, cousins, and other relatives and friends.
Maggie planted a tree for Darlene.
Maggie planted a tree for Darlene.