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Donavan William York obituary

Donavan William York Obituary

Justin, Texas, United States

January 03, 1930 - March 14, 2022

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Donavan William York obituary

Donavan William York Obituary

Jan 03, 1930 - Mar 14, 2022

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Heaven Welcomed a Hero our Dad.

Donavan York, 92, of Justin, Texas, passed on March 15, 2022. Donavan was born on January 03, 1930 to Gertrude and Elmer York in Sprigfield, Oregon.

A celebration of life service will be held at 1:00 PM, Saturday, March 19, 2022 at his ranch. In Justin, Texas. Under Donavans request his ashes will be spread upon his beloved place he built with his wife Raquel. The family request in lieu of flowers to give to the cancer reasearch center of your choice. To the St. Judes Children hospital. Donavan believed to not grieve during death when we should laugh during life, celebrate Gods welcoming after. Flowers Donavan always stated should be planted not to watch wither on a grave.

Donavan graduated from Jackson High School in 1947 and from the University of Oregon in 1951. On January 16, 1951, he married his former partner Raquel Ava Williams in Dallas, Texas. Donavan was employed as a real estate developer for 35 years, and was one of the region’s leading developers throughout Texas. Donavan served in the Vietnam conflict and was a highly decorated veteran officer. He continued to serve throughout his life as a active officer with the United States Army. Donavan opened up his own cattle and horse ranch and it is still in operation today. He enjoyed working night and day in his office, and only retired a few years prior to his passing. He was an avid boater and a member of many organizations for boating.He spent most of his weekends fishing out on the lake and water sailing. He also enjoyed his collections of antique cars, golfing at the local country club, and spending time with his children and grandchildren whenever he could. He served on many organizations throughour Texas and was the acting president at one time for Kiwannis , Lions Club, VVA club, Texas State Board of Regents, National Attorneys Association , many more, He was very active in helping others grow to become better able to help themselves. He has many charities that he started for children miricle networks.

Donavan is survived by his wife Raquel York of the home, two sons, William York and his wife Jacqueline of Grove, OK., 6 grandchildren, Lyndsey, Kayla, Jen, Spencer, Denise. Meghan. Joey Ross York and his wife Courtney of Sarasota, FL, four grandchildren, Donavan, Michelle, Valerie, Tracy. Five daughters Kendra Dugan and husband Matt of Miami, FL; two grandchildren, Indiana and Lea . Barbra (Kyle) Jones and husband Michael. of Waco, Texas; three grandchildren, Amanada, Lacie, Taylor. Macie Rodgers and husband Nicholas of Dallas Texas; three grandchildren Michael, Missy, Bailey. Patricia Morrison and husband Mitch, of Houston, Texas ; five grandchildren, Martin, Tabitha, Jo Don, Gretchen, Thomas. Cynitha Cobel and husband Cameron , of Dallas, Texas; four grandchildren, Valerie, Alicia, Erin, Gina along with several nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Elmer and Gertrude York , along with his brothers John York, Fred York, and one sister Sissy York, One granddaughter Cierra Nicole York.

You can to the family or in memory of Donavan York.
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Mar 17, 2022

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