Donna Gail Manson died unexpectedly in Olympia Washington on Marc,h 12th 1974 at the age of 19.
Donna is survived by her parents Lyle and Marie Manson.
Donna was born on June 9th, 1954 in Olympia, Washington to Marie and Lyle. She was attending Evergreen University in Olympia where she was born. Donna was a shy young girl who often battled with depression and anxiety. But she didn’t let that stop her from accomplishing her goals she was working hard in school to get her English degree to someday become a teacher.
A funeral is scheduled for 4:00 pm on April 1st at Thurston county funeral home with a reception to follow at the fire hall. Reverend Jones-Smith will officiate the ceremony. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Donna’s life. In lieu of flowers. Condolences can be sent to The family would like to thank everyone for their condolences and prayers at this time.
You can to the family or in memory of Donna Manson.
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Quentin Holton
Feb 14, 2021
There will always be those like myself who never stop seeking answers. This unfortunately is only one of many whose disappearance leaves more questions than answers. I hope you all have been able to find some semblance of peace over all of these years. May the rest of your days be filled with peace.
Sep 22, 2020
My heartfelt condolences for your loss. May the God who comforts all who mourn help to sustain you during this most difficult time, as you await the fulfillment of Gods promise to be reunited with your loved one again (John 6:40)
Mar 29, 2020
Donna's obituary was sponsored for $1 by a caring friend or family member.
Aug 29, 2019
Donna's obituary was sponsored for $1 by a caring friend or family member.
There will always be those like myself who never stop seeking answers. This unfortunately is only one of many whose disappearance leaves more questions than answers. I hope you all have been able to find some semblance of peace over all of these years. May the rest of your days be filled with peace.
My heartfelt condolences for your loss. May the God who comforts all who mourn help to sustain you during this most difficult time, as you await the fulfillment of Gods promise to be reunited with your loved one again (John 6:40)
Donna's obituary was sponsored for $1 by a caring friend or family member.
Donna's obituary was sponsored for $1 by a caring friend or family member.