Gloria May Green, 83, passed on December 25, 2020. She was born to James Blue and Peggy Bullock in Due West, South Carolina on October 13, 1937. She was the middle child of five. Gloria had no chance, but to be strong and tough. She was the only girl. Her brothers Franklin, Eric, Mike, and Richard Bullock.
She married Lewis Green, and they was married for 66 years and they lived together in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. Together they raised 6 children Kendra Green (Keith Mariee), James Green, Tyler Green (Faith Wall), Heather Green (Calvin Water), Kelvin Green, Anna Green. She is also survived by 23 grandchildren. With a big family you know it\'s a tons of memories. Some that we share together, and some that was just special made for you. Gloria was loved, and still till this day you can see a part of her in each and everyone of her kids. Gloria is apart of each, and everyone of us.
Gloria graduated from Dixie High School and received a degree from the Erskine College. Gloria would always say. \"I was never the smartest kid in school, but I tried. I may have gave up for a well, but I never gave up the fight. Life ain\'t nothing, but a big and long boxing match. Everyone can\'t win every fight, because life is going to knock you down, and if you\'re not careful it will knock your head off. The only thing that matters is. What are you going to do when you get up.\"
Gloria was a loving House wife, and was passionate about affecting the most positive change in people. She touched everyone she came across, and if you was hungry she would give you her own plate. Today doesn\'t have to be the only day we celebrate her life. In honor of Mrs. Gloria May Green let\'s never go down without a fight. Let\'s get back up, and fight some more. Thank you for your time, and love.
You can to the family or in memory of Gloria Green.
John planted a tree for Gloria.