Irving Leonard Geary obituary

Irving Leonard Geary Obituary

New Bern, North Carolina, United States

December 07, 1929 - December 17, 2019

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Irving Leonard Geary obituary

Irving Leonard Geary Obituary

Dec 07, 1929 - Dec 17, 2019

This obituary is administered by:

A Life Well Lived

Lt Colonel Irving Geary, 90, of New Bern, North Carolina, passed peacfully at home Tuesday, December 17, 2019. Irving was born to Charles Daniel Geary, and Mabel (Wentworth) Geary, December 07, 1929.

Irving graduated from Weymouth High School. He married Virginia Florence Endres Married for 60 Years , and they lived together in Rockland Ma. Irving worked as a Supervisor at Digital Computer Co.

Lt Colonel Geary served his country as a Paratrooper in the 82nd Airborne of the Army and as Comander of many units in the Massachusetts Army National Guard. He served a total of 34 years.He also was a Merchant Marine.

Irving is survied by 3 brothers and 1 sister,- Wendell Leroy Geary,Charles David Geary,George Griffith Geary,and Lucille Ann Endres(Geary). 2 Grandchildren- Christopher Jason Geary and wife Sarah Jane Geary, April Geary.Great Grandaughter Alyssa Ann Skaggs (Geary) And many Nieces and nephews.                                                                                                                                                                                    Irving lived a long adventurous life. He did a little bit of everthing from flying glider planes to racing cars and scuba diving.He also loved to fly model planes and drones.He and his wife traveled the United States in there RV for years. Irving was also very dedicated to many clubs.He was a member of John Cutler Lodge,Masonic Lodge,Scottish Rite,Civitan Club of New Bern and The Shriners. He had over 60 years of service in some of these clubs.

You can to the family or in memory of Irving Geary.


Funeral Visitation Details:
January 06, 2019
Magoun-Biggins, 135 union st, Rockland Ma
Details: All are welcome to join us to celebrate the life of a legend !!!!
Burial-Service Details:
January 07, 2019
Magoun-Biggins, 135 Union ST, Rockland Ma
Details: There will be celebration after the burial at Players Sports Bar in Rockland Ma. All are welcome to join us !!
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