Jack B. And Laura C. Crist obituary

Jack B. And Laura C. Crist Obituary

Boston, Pennsylvania, United States

May 07, 1922 - January 13, 2017

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Jack B. And Laura C. Crist obituary

Jack B. And Laura C. Crist Obituary

May 07, 1922 - Jan 13, 2017

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Jack B. and Laura C. (Lombardi) CristJanuary 13, 2017Hilton Head Island, NCJack Baker Crist, age 94, passed away peacefully in his sleep on January 12, 2017 on Hilton Head Island, S.C. His beloved wife of 72 years, Laura Casilda (Lombardi) preceded him in death at age 95 on June 22, 2016. It was their wish that this obituary be inclusive of their wonderful life together.Jack was born on May 6, 1922 in Chambersburg, the only child of Amos and Beulah Crist. Laura, born June 22, 1921, and was the youngest of nine children born to Theresa (D'Alfonso) and Pasquale Lombardi of Windber. Jack's and Laura's love story began on a snowy evening in 1943 at Bricker's Department Store in Windber, where Laura was employed as a saleswoman, buyer and window dresser. Jack who worked as a payroll manager for Perini & Sons - a Boston-based construction company doing infrastructure work in the Johnstown area - needed a pair of boots. Needless to say, Laura made a sale that evening, Jack bought some boots and they both found a partner for life. They were married July 16, 1945, relocating to Pineville, Ky., then Indiana, PA, before discovering the entrepreneurial spirit that would guide their future. They became the proud owners/operators of a general store in Mont Alto, a motel and mobile home parks in Chambersburg, and finally a beer distributorship in York. They raised two daughters passing along an intense work ethic, a drive for personal excellence and a strong sense of family. They were a formidable team in business and in life.Upon retirement, the Crists traveled and cruised; enjoying extended stays at homes in Florida, Sun City, Savannah and on Hilton Head Island, always surrounded by family and close friends. They were dedicated grandparents who never missed an opportunity to express their love and support.They were preceded in death by their daughter, Constance C. Border, Savannah, Ga. and son-in-law, William J. Robinson, Hilton Head Island, S.C. They are survived by daughter, Jacqueline Lyons Robinson, Hilton Head Island, S.C.; granddaughter, Jennifer R. Johnston (Jeff); and great-granddaughter, Laura Spellings Johnston of Marion, Ark.; and nephew, Larry DiMarco (Shirley) of Chambersburg. The family is comforted knowing that Jack and Laura are together again, side-by-side, hand-in-hand. We would like to thank the staff of LifeCare of Hilton Head and Tidewater Hospice for their loving and compassionate care in JB's and Laura's final days.A graveside service and combined interment at Norland Cemetery, Chambersburg, will be held at a later date. Kelso-Cornelius Funeral Home, Chambersburg, is entrusted with the arrangements.
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