Jacqueline Rose Matzner obituary

Jacqueline Rose Matzner Obituary

Boulder, Colorado, United States

December 06, 1953 - January 24, 2016

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Jacqueline Rose Matzner obituary

Jacqueline Rose Matzner Obituary

Dec 06, 1953 - Jan 24, 2016

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Jacqueline (Jackie) Rose MatznerJacqueline (Jackie) Rose Matzner, passed away peacefully on December 24th, 2016 in Fort Collins, Colorado. She was 63 years old. Jackie was born on December 6th, 1953 in Boulder, Colorado, the daughter of Kenneth "Jack" Revis and Iola Marie Revis. Jackie spent her childhood in the mountains of Poudre Canyon where she found her love for the outdoors and all creatures great and small. In 1971, Jackie graduated from Poudre High School. From there she moved to Glenwood Springs, Colorado to attend Colorado Mountain College. She could be found hiking, fishing, and even riding her motorcycle with her dog, Sage, laying across her lap. She graduated from CMC with a degree in veterinary science. In 1975, Jackie married Ralph Lee Matzner in the Poudre Canyon Chapel. They lived and worked in the canyon for several years before moving to Evergreen, Colorado to live at the Mount Evans State Wildlife Area. In 1981, they welcomed their first daughter, Tracey Ann. And in 1984, they welcomed their second daughter, Kelly Marie. Anyone who has the pleasure knowing Jackie knows that she is not just a woman of many talents, but of ALL talents. She wore many hats, and was a teacher to countless people, especially in fields of horse training, leather craft, fly fishing, shooting, hunting, cooking, and canning. She always approached any task with a can-do attitude and was never afraid of a challenge. Jackie "retired" in 2008 only to then begin a new career as an EMT and fire fighter. In addition to working on numerous national wildland fire teams, she served her community and the Upper Poudre Canyon Fire Authority. She loved helping others in need. In 2013, Jackie started on another wonderful journey as a Grandma. Landon Jay Hovey was born in June 2013 and he was her pride and joy. They enjoyed many special times together, sledding, fishing, playing, taking lawn mower rides, and even washing dishes. She is the most amazing Grandma any little boy could have. She enjoyed many adventures with Ralph all over the world, in pursuit of their calling; hunting and fishing. She didn't earn the nickname "Jackie Oakley" for nothing! Jackie is survived by her husband, Ralph, her mother Iola Revis, daughter Tracey Hovey (Jason), daughter Kelly Matzner (Jordan Zach), grandson Landon Jay, sisters, Diayn and Cathy. She was preceded in death by her father, Jack Revis, her grandparents, Ella and Emery Revis, Vernon and Nellie Fankhouser. She was a member of Evergreen Lutheran Church. Memorial services will be held at Evergreen Lutheran Church on January 6th, 2017 at 11:00am and officiated by Reverend Vera Guebert-Steward. The church is located at 5980 Highway 73, Evergreen, Colorado.In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions can be made to the Jackie Matzner Memorial Fund. The mailing address is PO BOX 130 Iliff, CO 80736.The quantity of her friends was only exceeded by their quality, and all who knew her admired and loved her. She was the most incredible mom, wife, daughter, and friend. We are beyond grateful for the time we enjoyed her presence in our lives and will never stop missing and loving her.
You can to the family or in memory of Jacqueline Matzner.
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Margie M
Margie M
Sep 22, 2020

Jacqueline has already been gone three years. Yet for some it feels like forever and for others just yesterday. Jacqueline’s future is assured. God’s word is true and it says that Jacqueline will be resurrected to life on earth. We have prayed the Lord’s Prayer many times asking for God’s Kingdom to come and his will to be done. Part of that promise is found at John 5:28,29 where it states that all those in the memorial tombs and graves will come out to life with us again. Jacqueline will be like Lazarus who awoke from death to the arms of his loved ones. It’s a wonderful future we can all look forward to. It’s God’s guarantee!

Jim m
Jim m
Sep 22, 2020

I offer my sincere condolences to Jackie’s many family and friends. Her loss is not easy, even though its been a while. What comfort can be found at this point? It is this: Jackie has a wonderful future that includes us here on the earth. God’s word clearly states that all those in memorial tombs and graves will come out to life again, yes including Jackie. John 5:28&29; states those words. We pray for God’s kingdom to come and his will to be done, part of that rule includes resurrection of all our loved ones. It is then that John 3:16 will see the fulfillment of God’s promise of everlasting life extended to everyone wishing it. It means that Jackie will laugh again, enjoy our planet as never before, and we will never lose her again. It will be a wonderful day.

Kim M
Kim M
Sep 22, 2020

What a marvelous event the earthly resurrection will be! It will be a time of irrepressible joy when families broken apart by death will be reunited! Revelation 21:4 gives us God’s promise of no death, pain and suffering. The earth will return to a perfect paradise for us to live on once more as God’s original purpose. Matthew 6:9,10

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