James Maxon, 23, of St. Paul, Minnesota, passed on October 01, 2023. James was born on June 09, 2000.
Though we may be separated, remember love and friendship
are unending connections
Born in St. Louis Park, MN, Methodist Hospital, June 9, 2000. James grew up in a family filled with laughter, joy, and love. Knowing James is a warm and welcoming experience. He always treated all with kindness and respect. Friends will share that with James's sense of adventure any occasion was never dull, even when just hanging.
Family was at the center of James’s life. “Sugs” never missed the opportunity to tell his Mom he loved her and truly cared about checking in with her to find out how her day was going, and the same with his Dad. If you know Steve, it is easy to see how James followed in his footsteps, being welcoming and inclusive, caring, always there for a friend, and up for some fun. James is a true reflection of the best of both Becky and Steve.
James attended Sunset Hill Elementary, East Middle School, and graduated from Wayzata High School in 2018. In High School, James participated in choir, Lacrosse, formed many enduring friendships, and often inspired mischievous adventures. He also performed with Angelica Cantanti Youth Choir from 2017 to 2018. Endre’s music lives on in our hearts.
After High School, James found his passion, Architecture, and pursued his Bachelor of Architecture Degree from Dunwoody College of Technology. He was in his senior year of a 5-year degree program, a two-year Associates degree, and a three-year Bachelor of Architecture degree. James’s interest in artistic expression was present from an early age, and his talent, interests, skills, and abilities were truly recognizable in his college projects.
James’s adventures included bodybuilding, boating, fishing, carp shooting, swimming, snowmobiling, climbing, exploring unique places, gaming, airsoft battles, wrestling, driving the Jeep, driving oops no, working on the Mustang, camping, and so many more pursuits he explored throughout his life. Ask his friends.