Jenerson Walin Moore, 62, passed on February 25, 2022. He was born to Joshton and Marinia on January 11, 1960.
He married Susie and they lived together in Georgetown, Demerara-Mahaica. Together they raised 8 children Ania (Jamara ), Kunkun (Ama ), Jdoh (Sunsie ), Ama (Susie), Johnny (Susie), Jj (Susie), Janana (Susie), Miama (Susie).
Jenerson graduated from Georgetown Highschool in 2002.
Jenerson worked at Plumber until he retired in 2022 and was passionate about affecting the most positive change in people.
You can to the family or in memory of Jenerson Moore.
Bina planted a tree for Jenerson.