Linda was a devoted Mother to three children whom she loved with all her heart and would do anything for. She is survived by many loved ones, including her children: Aireanna Erickson, Emma Rose Helvig, and Brody Christopher Erickson; her mother, Dorothy Vigil; sisters Charlene and Erica Erickson; and several nieces and nephews. She also had two dogs she adored greatly, Baby and Dobbie. She was preceded in death by her sister Cristy Erickson whom she greatly missed. Linda was a woman of strength and fought her cancer until the very end. Everyone that was blessed to meet Linda was immediately drawn to her beauty, beautiful smile, laugh, joking ways, big heart, and her very strong spirit. Linda was someone who loved those close to her for who they were and loved to help people. We will miss her so incredibly much! Please keep the family in your prayers during this extremely difficult time. You were the “Wind Beneath our Wings.” Soar along beautiful, we know in our hearts you were reunited with your dear sister Cristy at the gates of Heaven.
You can to the family or in memory of Linda Erickson.
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Harper Wilt
Nov 17, 2020
Hey boo I miss you beyond any words that i can describe. I keep reading over our last facebook messages! Its real hard to live life knowing you are gone. I would give anything to take one last drive with you making me laugh. Its only been 5 months since youve been gone I ask god to comfort me. I saw you go through so many storms in life. I get my strength through our memories. I Thank you fit your generosity when I needed you most. I know you didnt want me to see you sick. Im glad I saw you one last time in hospice. You were the wind beneath my wings! Send me a sign down from heaven that your all better now. There isnt a day Ill ever forget you. I know your with Your Cristy and Mom. I know that god needed you up there because you were angel! Till we meet again. I Love you with all my heart ??!
Sep 22, 2020
Linda...where do I begin? I still can't believe you are gone. For so many years you and I were glued to the hip. We laughed together, and cried together. We were there for each other through so many milestones in our lives. I remember us crying together over our first real loves and the heartbreak that came with it. We went through that at the same time. You were one of the few people that was truly there for me through so many difficult times. One of the things that I remember most about you was your generosity and your willingness to always help somebody. Underneath that tough exterior was a sensitive, compassionate person with a big heart. I'm going to miss your infectious laugh and your amazing sense of humor! Nobody could make me laugh like you did! I know that you never truly got over losing your sister. You always talked about how you wished you could see her one more time. I take comfort in knowing that you are with her now and in a place with no more pain. Until we meet again my dear friend...
Jeff Braden
Sep 22, 2020
You are the toughest person I know to have fought for so long just to spend more time with the people who mattered most. Please find the peace in the afterlife that you struggled to find your entire life on this earth. You were loved more then you knew.
Hey boo I miss you beyond any words that i can describe. I keep reading over our last facebook messages! Its real hard to live life knowing you are gone. I would give anything to take one last drive with you making me laugh. Its only been 5 months since youve been gone I ask god to comfort me. I saw you go through so many storms in life. I get my strength through our memories. I Thank you fit your generosity when I needed you most. I know you didnt want me to see you sick. Im glad I saw you one last time in hospice. You were the wind beneath my wings! Send me a sign down from heaven that your all better now. There isnt a day Ill ever forget you. I know your with Your Cristy and Mom. I know that god needed you up there because you were angel! Till we meet again. I Love you with all my heart ??!
Linda...where do I begin? I still can't believe you are gone. For so many years you and I were glued to the hip. We laughed together, and cried together. We were there for each other through so many milestones in our lives. I remember us crying together over our first real loves and the heartbreak that came with it. We went through that at the same time. You were one of the few people that was truly there for me through so many difficult times. One of the things that I remember most about you was your generosity and your willingness to always help somebody. Underneath that tough exterior was a sensitive, compassionate person with a big heart. I'm going to miss your infectious laugh and your amazing sense of humor! Nobody could make me laugh like you did! I know that you never truly got over losing your sister. You always talked about how you wished you could see her one more time. I take comfort in knowing that you are with her now and in a place with no more pain. Until we meet again my dear friend... Kris
You are the toughest person I know to have fought for so long just to spend more time with the people who mattered most. Please find the peace in the afterlife that you struggled to find your entire life on this earth. You were loved more then you knew.