O'Mara  Venzke obituary

O'Mara Venzke Obituary

San Cristobal, San Cristóbal, Dominican Republic

June 14, 1916 - June 13, 2019

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O'Mara  Venzke obituary

O'Mara Venzke Obituary

Jun 14, 1916 - Jun 13, 2019

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A life lived on a every chance.

Omara Venzke was born on June 14th, 1916 to the late Eisel Venzke and Marilyn Barker in Santiago cristóbal, Dominica Republic. While growing up in her parent's estate, she learned to fill her imagination with the world of art. She taking ballet and art classes. Her loving parents admire her talent. In her teens, she was homeschooled and taught home economics, mathematics. Then at adolescent, she studies in nursing and behavioral health as minor at Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra. Although the university was expensive, her parents sacrifice half of the household expenses to cover tuition. Most young females in the country have to have double jobs to cover books. Omara has grace from her family and she also further foreign language to tutor younglings free charge. She had a gift to help others and love too. She met her first love Armon Palmer from the United States in 1945. They fell in love over the passion of volunteer with orphan children. They had their first child Qiwi Wright Palmer back in the states year after engagement. They settled in the south of Georgia till little qiwi become older flee with his parents in the Dominican Republic. Their second son Stanley conceived in Atlanta, George before the two departed back to the Dominica Republic.

Her loving memory ended June 15th, 2019 in Santiago cristóbal. She was memorialized by her two sons Qiwi Wright Palmer of Atlanta Georgia and Stanley Strauss Palmer of Detroit Michigan, her daughter in law Cathey Palmer, her other daughter in law Erica Palmer, also Omara has surviving grandchildren and greatgrandchildren whom all loved her.

June, 22nd 2019th

Celebration of Omara Palmer : 10:00am-11:00am viewing hours

Passage of Deceased ceremony 11:30am-12:45 pm

            H.M. Patterson & Son-Oglethorpe Hill Chapel 

4550 Peachtree Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 3031

  Rev Elliott Barrett officiating 


You can to the family or in memory of O'Mara Venzke.
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Sep 22, 2020

My heartfelt condolences for your loss. May the God who comforts all help to sustain you during this most difficult time, as you await the fulfillment of God's promise to be reunited with your loved one again (John 6:40)

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