Why OBITUARe is best for online obituaries
more Memorable
View over 1 Milion online Obituariesmore Economical
Create a Free Online Obituarymore Efficient
13 Reasons to Create an Online ObituarySee how OBITUARe compares with the newspaper
Yearly and Lifetime Services
Starting at…
Share your loved one’s legacy and the important details of their passing. We offer flexible pricing options based on your specific needs.
Charge by the day
3 days
The more days you print, the more money it will cost.
Unlimited words to remember
Unlimited words
Write all you wish to share your loved one’s legacy with family and friends.
Cost per character
500 words
Major newspapers charge you for the length of your obituary based on the number of lines and characters.
Share memories with photos
Unlimited photos
Share photos that capture your loved one’s perfect moments and help bring their story to life.
Pay per photo
1 photo
Newspapers charge you extra per obituary photo.
Obituary Printing
Print your online obituary to keep as a tangible memory of your loved one. Share this with family and friends or guests at a funeral service.
Online Premiums
Did you know that it costs extra to post a newspaper obituary online? You will be charged a premium to post your newspaper obituary online for a limited time.
Losing a loved one is difficult. So we made it simple to create an online obituary at OBITUARe.
Difficult process
Most newspapers require you to submit your obituary by mail, fax, and email. Once it is printed you won’t have another chance to edit like you would at OBITUARe.com.
Our goal is to help you during these difficult moments. We give you complete control to submit your online obituary when the time is right for you.
Most newspapers require that you submit an obituary within standard working hours. Try submitting an obituary to the newspaper after you get home from work. Then visit OBITUARe.com so you can finish the job.
Below are more ways we help you at OBITUARe
Create an ObituaryObituary Assistance
Finding the right words for an obituary can be difficult. We guide you through this process by using the basic information you enter to create a unique obituary in seconds.
Share memories with video
Share videos of your loved one with family and friends. At OBITUARe you can use video to bring a legacy to life.
Create a memorial service program
We make it easy for you to create a program that can be shared at a memorial service. Customize your program with 1 of our 6 templates.
Guest book
Visitors can share a memory, leave their condolences and upload cherished images. The guestbook provides a dynamic space for thoughts and feelings to be shared with the community.
On your time
Saving the progress of an obituary is effortless. We allow you the flexibility to save your work and submit when you are ready.
Inform your community
Inform your community about an obituary by posting to your Facebook and Twitter in a couple quick clicks.
Contact distant relatives
If you have distant relatives and want to inform them, but don’t have time to contact them individually, we’ve made it easy to send a respectful email.