Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen obituary

Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen Obituary

Göttingen, Lower Saxony, Germany

March 30, 1811 - August 16, 1899

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Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen obituary

Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen Obituary

Mar 30, 1811 - Aug 16, 1899

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A Life "Struck" Short

Robert Wilhelm Eberhard Bunsen, age 88, passed away on August 16, 1899, in Heidelberg Germany. Bunsen was born on March 30, 1811, in Gottingen Germany to Christian Bunsen and Quensel. Robert was a renowned chemist in his time on Earth. He attended school and Holzminden and started his chemistry career shortly after. He obtained a Ph.D. in 1831 and worked with many other scientists throughout his life. His greatest accomplishments include discovering the antidote to arsenic poisoning, inventing the zinc-carbon battery, discovering how geysers function, inventing flash photography and inventing the bunsen burner. Robert Bunsen is remembered as a very fun man who loved to laugh and have a good time. His scientific impact is unparalleled, winning the equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize; British Royal Society's Copley Medal. Robert Bunsen will truly be missed by all.

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