Sharon Ann Campbell obituary

Sharon Ann Campbell Obituary

Selmer, Tennessee, United States

March 12, 1955 - April 23, 1955

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Sharon Ann Campbell obituary

Sharon Ann Campbell Obituary

Mar 12, 1955 - Apr 23, 1955

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Sharon Campbell, beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, passed away on April 23, 1955, in Selmer, Tennessee. She was born on March 12, 1955, to Kenneth Manning and grew up in a loving family in Selmer.

Sharon met the love of her life, Travis Campbell, and they were married in 1977. Together, they raised two wonderful children, Michael Campbell and Kenneth Campbell. Sharon adored her children and took great joy in watching them grow into successful adults.

After graduating from Southhaven Mississippi High School in 1975, Sharon attended Crump Technology Center and graduated in 1977. She had a thirst for knowledge and was always eager to learn new things.

Sharon dedicated many years of her life working at Selmer Nursing Home, where she was known for her compassion and dedication to her patients. She retired in 2023 after a long and fulfilling career in healthcare.

Sharon will be remembered for her kindness, warmth, and unwavering love for her family. She was a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother, and her legacy will live on in the hearts of all who knew her.

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