Stacy Rose Johnson obituary

Stacy Rose Johnson Obituary

Ön, Norrbotten, Sweden

March 23, 1967 - March 15, 1980

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Stacy Rose Johnson obituary

Stacy Rose Johnson Obituary

Mar 23, 1967 - Mar 15, 1980

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Young Life Taken Too Soon

Stacy was a beautiful young soul full of joy and happiness. She was taken too quickly due to her heart condition that was severely affected by the harmful chemiccals released into our air from factories burning fossil fuels. She became sick with a respritory infection which deprived air from getting to her whole body whuch affeced her already defective heart. Stacy was full of joy and always had a smile on her face. Her personality could change the mood of anyone who would speak to her. Our angel loves everyone one of you and she was blessed to have been able to chnage your life. 

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