Susan Nikki  Smith  obituary

Susan Nikki Smith Obituary

Manassas, Virginia, United States

August 10, 1971 - February 26, 2023

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Susan Nikki  Smith  obituary

Susan Nikki Smith Obituary

Aug 10, 1971 - Feb 26, 2023

This obituary is administered by:

Beloved Mom, Wife, and Friend

Susan Nikki Smith , 51, passed on February 26, 2023. She was born to Timothy and Claire Nicole on August 10, 1971.

She married Justin Smith and they lived together in Manassas, Virginia. Together they raised 2 children Georgie Smith , Michelle Smith .

Her kids were her life they were her blood and happiness.

She was very treasured here at Prestons. She became a funeral director here in 2003 and has been here every since. This June would've been her 20th anniversary here. We are very heartbroken and surprised. She spent so much of her time carrying for other families, and being a good family to everyone here at Prestons.

This is her story. She was born to Timmy and Claire on August 10 in 1971. They lived in Culpeper, VA for most of here childhood. Than she went to college in DC, and met her true love. Susan and Justin were married in 1994, and moved to Manassas to start a family. They had their first born Georgie in 1996. During this time Susan was a intern at Ames Funeral Home here in Manassas. Than in 1998 her second daughter, Shelly was born. Shelly had many disabilities so for most of here early life she was in and out of hospitals. In 2000 Shelly had a tumor in here brain, and almost died. Thank goodness she survived and fought to get healthy. In 2002 Shelly had finally beat all her sickness, and was out of hospitals and could start to live her life. Then in 2003 Susan joined our staff here at Prestons as a part time funeral director, so she could still be their for her kids when they needed her. Susan lived a pretty blissful life with her little angles and perfect husband. In 2017, Susan became a full time funeral director and spent more time at the funeral home than with her family. This was pretty hard for her, but it was what she had worked for since the beginning. She was living here dream and she helped so many people. A few people here at Prestons would like to say a few words about our beloved Susan.

"I can't believe this is happening. Just the other day Susan had come in to get my consent on the Funeral Director Program she was going to start. She was always so happy and cheerful. She was also a great FD and helped so many families, and never got a bad review. Everyone loved her. Rest In Peace Susan, please keep her family in your prayers." - Troy Preston.

"This is a terrible shock. I loved Susan. She was a great mentor and friend. She was always there for me and helped me at work numerous times. This is very hard for me. I expirence death and everyday, but I never thought this would happen. I will always love you Susan and I will keep the program going. I know how important it was to you. Justin, Georgie, and Shelly you are all in my prayers." - Jennifer Preston

"This is such sad news. I worked with Susan and mentored her. She was so kind, and caring to everyone. She will never be forgotten. Their are so many wonderful things about her, but I am just filled with so much grief that, that's all I can say. Keep the family in your prayers please." - Tonya Sanderson

She is survived by her husband; Justin, girls; Georgie, and Shelly, and her mother and father. She is also survived by two sisters, and one brother.

Services are pending and, and should happen at the beginning of March so all her family and friends have time to process her death.

A vistitation will be held on Friday March 10, from 4pm - 9pm at Preston and Sons Funeral Home. A funeral service will follow the next day at 11am in the funeral home. Interment will follow to Bright View Cemetery.

Preston and Sons Funeral Home of Manassas is serving the family. Arrangements are being held with the deepest sympathy, respect, and love by Troy and Jennifer Preston.

We are starting a Funeral Director program and it was Susan's idea. Please contribute to it by sending money flowers or just come sit in a listen to a lesson.

She cared for so many families, so please say a few kind words if you knew her. Her family needs all the guidance they can get right now


Rest In Peace are beloved Susan.

You can to the family or in memory of Susan Smith .


Visitation Details:
4pm - 9pm
March 10, 2023
Preston and Sons Funeral Home of Manassas , 8802 Sudley Rd, Manassas, VA
Funeral Service Details:
March 11, 2023
Preston and Sons Funeral Home of Manassas , 8802 Sudley Rd, Manassas, VA
Burial Details:
March 11, 2023
Bright View Cemetery , 8265 Lunsford Rd, Warrenton, VA
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