Tannah Skipper, 13, died at 10:37pm, Friday, November 22, 2019 from injuries sustained in a one vehicle accident in Wilmington, Nc.
Tannah was loved by so many. She had an energy that with even just one encounter with her, you would remember her for life.
If you knew her well or barely at all, she always left you smiling. Whether it was about how absolutely beautiful, ridiculously funny, or just down right inappropriate she was, she left her mark.
She will continue to stay with us all through memories, and the laughs she forced us all to endure whether we were in the mood for it or not. We will see her everywhere. XXL T-shirt’s, tiktoks, uneven haircuts and anytime you hear anything related to one of her many hobbies and obsessions.
She left the pain, but she also left us all and we will never be the same again. Now she is no longer in pain, yet we will continue to hurt.
At this time, we must come together and laugh for Tannah’s sake. Tannah would have wanted it that way.
You can to the family or in memory of Tannah Skipper.