Tenea Geen (Coverson) Was born September 8th 2018 to Kayla Geen and Elijah Noah. Residing in Bridgeport, CT only spending her two years of life there.
Went to a private day-care with her mom converting to Muslim and following The Quran. She loved to plant and play with crystals as her mom did, she was two but she was very much alive. The good die Young and she was good personified, still in it's purest form. Allah has a plan for her and she will be missed. Thou we know her time is yet to come she is in a better place.
allah ladayh khutat laha wasayatima tafwitaha. raghm 'anana naerif 'ana waqtiha lam yat baed , 'illa 'anaha fi makan 'afdal.
We'll have a week prayer to honor her as a tradition.