Tony "Wayne" Scott age 63 passed on August 20, 2022. Tony was born on July 07, 1959 to the late Loudie B Scott. Tony had 8 siblings. Deceased: Bullie Scott, Junior Scott, and Oldest sister Annie Lee Scott. Living: Doris Scott, Conrad Scott, Gwendolyn Scott and Elmor Scott. Tony leaves behind 9 Nieces and Nephews and 8 great nieces and nephew: Tameeka Tucker: Shaniya Tucker, Ekena Tucker: ReShemah Walker, Yurie: Khameron Tucker, Malaya Tucker and Khole Tucker, Krisse Scott: Chianna Scott and Jhirah Scott, Treasa Scott: Landon Scott, Deadra Scott, Sharon Scott and the late Jarvis Scott. Tony loved his family and his community.