Valinda Lee Holcomb battled ALS for 15 years. She was 63 years old when she passed away on October 27, 2018. She was surrounded by her family at her home as she went on to better things. Valinda will be dearly missed by all who knew her.
Funeral services are to be held at Mission Park Burial South, viewing held Thursday, November 1, 2018, from 5 pm to 8 pm. Funeral services the following day at 3 pm, burial to follow. The family appreciates all of your kind words and thoughts during this difficult time.
You can to the family or in memory of Valinda Holcomb.
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sarah kiniment
Nov 01, 2024
sarah planted a tree for Valinda.
Sep 22, 2020
I am so sorry about your loss, losing a loved one is always very hard, but at John 11:11 it says that when Lazarus died he just fell asleep, and at John 5:28,29 it tells us that there will be a resurrection, so we will see our loved ones again that have fallen asleep in death.
sarah planted a tree for Valinda.
I am so sorry about your loss, losing a loved one is always very hard, but at John 11:11 it says that when Lazarus died he just fell asleep, and at John 5:28,29 it tells us that there will be a resurrection, so we will see our loved ones again that have fallen asleep in death.